Wednesday, June 26, 2013

C.S.A. Week 3:) Farm Update & Distribution!

Dear C.S.A. community,

Another week is here already and the veggie's are ready to go. This week was clearly extremely rainy none the less the veggie's are growing wildly! This week the boxes will be rather heavy as the Cucumbers, & Zuc's are going nuts. They almost mature overnight with the type of rains that we have been receiving. The overall plant health on the farm is good. The herb beds are also growing like crazy so please cut them if you need some. Their will be extra cucumber's and other veggie's in the store this weekend so be sure to come in and use a punch on your membership card. (If you need more)

Items Week 3:

  • Yellow Zuc
  • Green Zuc
  • Brocoli 
  • Kohlrabi
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber

I hope you enjoy this weeks box and as usual if you have any questions or just want to chat you can reach us at 319-895-6480.


Chris Bass

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

C.S.A Distribution Week 2:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear C.S.A. Members,

Farm Update:

Looks like another great week at the farm. The veggie's are growing excellent. The boxes this week look beautiful. The boxes are growing in weight and in color. The cucumbers and potato's are right around the corner. I will dig potato's next week if the weather allows. I checked the plants today and hand dug up some beautiful new potato's. Many have asked when their are going to be extra veggie's at the farm. They will become available as the season progresses. Typically three to four weeks in we start to have an abundance of extra's. The onions are still growing at a marvelous rate. The garlic is finishing up it's productive life and we will be picking that before you know it as well. Last week I made a mistake on the blog by not explaining what the asterisk meant next to the broccoli. I apologize for the inconvenience. There was not enough to be distributed between the shares the first week because the weather made some of them flower early. On a much more positive note the pumpkins and winter squash have been planted!!!!! I finished planting the seeds last Friday. The farm has a great pumpkin festival and all of you will thoroughly enjoy the Month of October with us.

  • C.S.A. Week 2 Distribution:
  • Green Zuchinni 
  • Yellow Zuchinni
  • Kale
  • Kohlrabi
  • Gourmet Lettuce

Herbs are alway's available in our herb beds and they are properly labeled so you know what you are cutting.

If you have any questions feel free to call the store anytime @ 319-895-6480.

Thanks & Enjoy Your Second Box,


P.S. Funny Side Note, Whoever get's the Green Zuchinni that looks exactly like a telephone in the picture enjoy.

Monday, June 10, 2013

C.S.A. Distribution Instructions:(Starting Week of June 10th)

Dear C.S.A. Members,

I have great news!! The broccoli is ready and so are we :) This week will be the first week of our 2013   C.S.A. Distribution. It is going to be a great year! The first 3-5 boxes you receive will be mostly spring veggies so enjoy. The farm this spring has been busy and wet. All of the planting went smoothly and all of the plants in the ground are in excellent condition. One of the many benefits of growing in raised plastic beds is that it keeps excessive amounts of water out of the root system of the plant, which has been helpful this spring.

The first few distributions are generally lighter in weight because of the greens*

Pick-Up Reminder: (You should have already chosen one)

  • Thursday Farm (10a-6p)
  • Friday Farm (10a-6p)
Farm pick-up will commence this week. If you chose this location then come to the farm to get your box. The herb beds are ready, so cut away to your delight. Once you get to the farm please come inside and we will get your box for you. All you have to do is let us know your last name so we can check you off the list.
  • Wholistic Wellness Thursday (12-5p)
This is a drop-off location. The boxes are located in the back hallway. They are not labeled with your name because all of the boxes are the same other than size. You will be able to tell the difference between a half and a full share. A half is simply about 50% of the size of a full box.
  • YMCA Friday (10a-6p)
This is another drop-off location. The shares will be stacked against the glass wall as soon as you walk into the lobby and you will see them. They will be grouped by their size.
  • Alpha-Graphics Friday (10-5)
This drop-point is located in North Liberty. The boxes will be available right when you walk in. Since there are only like five or six of you, we will label your boxes.

If anyone has any questions relating to their C.S.A box or where they are supposed to pick-up, please let the farm know. We will do anything to make this an awesome experience for all of our members. Remember if you want herbs they are available to all C.S.A. members! Just ask for scissors when you are in the store.

  • Corporate Friday (12-1p)
These shares are delivered to prearranged location.

  • Rockwell Thursday (12-1
Rockwell Parking Lot.

Week 1 Distribution

  • Red Or Green Lettuce
  • Bak Choi
  • Kohlrabi
  • Kale
  • Herbs
  • Brocoli*
I hope you enjoy your first share!  Let the season begin:) 

Thanks Chris Bass

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