Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Farm Update C.S.A. Members~~!!!

Hello All,

Week 15 is here already. The farm has been bustling this time of year as usual. We are preparing for the pumpkin season, cleaning up the field and also picking the veggies for the C.S.A. I just got off the phone with my web developer and he has put the discount on the web for the 2013 C.S.A, so if you sign up before December 31st, you will receive an instant discount. We are offering this incentive because most of the inputs for the farm we purchase in advance. Their is a ton of planning that is involved. The veggies are coming to a slow halt as you can imagine with the changing weather. This will be the last week for Summer Squash. I stretched them out as long as I could and we have had a ton of them. I hope you were all happy with them. The peppers are still going crazy. They seem like they could grow until xmas:) Their will be a lot of peppers this week in the box as well as habanero's. The sprouts are doing excellent and we will be amping them up in your box this week. We will give you 2 stalks of sprouts. They are so good, I love to saute mine. This will also be the last week of the small orange tomato's that you have been receiving in the pints. Their will also be tomato's in the box this week as well. The winter squash will be a regular the rest of the season. We are going to go past week 16. The boxes will still be full week 17 and possibly 18. They might just be full of winter squash, pie pumpkins, pepper's etc... Their just won't be the variety that you received during the regular season. These are extra weeks that we will be distributing. When you receive these extra boxes please think of how hard we work to provide YOU, with chemical free produce!!!! This week's pick-up is very important there will be a survey that we ask that you fill out @ the farm. They are totally anonymous, we would really appreciate it if you took the time to fill them out. We like to get feedback so we can improve. Anyone who thinks there is no room for improvement will never improve, @ the farm we strive to get better every year. That is one of the great things of being a member. You can see the improvements that are made each year and how they improve the whole experience for everyone. Many of you have been members with me for years and I appreciate it so much. Many of you have asked how pumpkin season works. Well since you are all members you can pick out 3 pumpkins anywhere on the hill. We pick our pumpkins and put them out on October 1st. I don't care if they are small, giant, medium, if that is the one you want that is the one you can have! You all have three punches on your card. These are for the pumpkins. During the entire month of October we offer free Hay-Rack Rides on the Weekends. Every hour on the hour. Also tell the little ones that we will have a hay-bale maize set up in the waterway. I will actually be baling the hay for the maize next week. This pumpkin season is going to be great. My dad and I will be installing slingshots @ the Farm this weekend to launch things!! (Just Wait & See) It will be sweet! We also have a blow-up pumpkin that has a trampoline in it. This is on only on the weekends. The best part is this is all FREE!!!!!

Thanks For Reading,


P.S. I will post a full list of items that we will distributing tomorrow.

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