Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 15: Blog & Farm Update! MUST READ!!!!!!

Dear Members,

By now hopefully you are all munching on the vegetables in your shares! Now that we are approaching the end of the season I will give further instruction's on how the pumpkin program will work & the last week of the C.S.A. The program is sixteen weeks long and will officially end after you receive next week's box. I hope all of you have a better understanding of your local foods system now. I know myself and all of the staff at Bass Farms are incredibly grateful we have so many wonderful members, so thank you! Without the members, the program would not be possible. If we have a bonus week the shares must be picked up at the farm if you want them. I will email all of you if this happens. The farm officially closes the last day of October, so your discount is good until the end of the season. I will start to put pumpkins out this weekend, but the majority of the pumpkins will not be out until next weekend. Be sure to come get your allotted pumpkins. You must present your punch card. No size limit or color, just get what you want ( x 3) per member. You will know when we are ready when the hill is covered and the hay bail maze is out!:) The free hay-rack rides are every Saturday & Sunday in the month of October. They run all day long. We also set up slingshots with tennis balls for the kids to have fun with.  October is a great time at the farm so make sure to come out! Don't forget, all activities are FREE!!!

Every year when the season come's to an end, I will give my reflection on the C.S.A. season. Every year presents us with new challenges! Working on the farm this past five years I have learned more then I could have ever imagined. The farm teaches so many life lessons. Many of you asked in the spring why we plant so many varieties of veggies and now you hopefully know why. Not everything turns out as planned. Farming is challenging when you can't predict the weather or what bug might come through your farm and demolish a crop. In the end it all works out. Which is quite incredible when you consider not a single chemical was sprayed on the farm. Five years running now:) I hope you all had a good experience with our program and I would love to have all of you as customers again. Now that you have your first season under your belt, you are seasoned veggie eaters! Bass Farms Certified! Watching the flow of growth at the farm and the veggies that each different season brings is simply amazing.

On the flip side every year gives us issues. We had an incredibly wet spring which made it difficult to get all the crops in on time. The lack of early summer heat also affected the size of our peppers. Every year we are tested and presented with these growing challenges. These challenges are really only chances to learn and become better.

Thanks again for supporting our program!! Lets keep this movement going!

Fun Fact:

We packed between roughly 1500-2250 bags of produce to fill all of the boxes each week. We got this down to a science after the first few weeks. I am very proud of how efficient we made the process.

Next weeks blog will highlight,
  • Memberships for next year
  • Pricing
  • Early Sign-Up Discount

Thank you,

Chris Bass

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