Life on the farm is still busy but the end of planting season is near. We are just waiting for our secret date when we put in our warm season crops. (May 22) Everything is growing excellent. I pulled some of the potatoes out of the ground and they are covered in roots. This is a great sign. Also when I was in the potato patch I noticed that many of the plants have emerged out of the ground. It is sweet to see them peek out of the ground. It gives me confidence to say that potato's should be in abundance again this year. Also today we covered all of the lettuce with a special fabric. So if you drive by and see something on the lettuce, that is what it is. This cloth allows us to grow lettuce well into summer. Much longer then if it was uncovered. It also keeps the lettuce extremely clean. If you can't make it to the orientation try to stop out sometime before or soon after if you get a chance so we can show you the farm. When I was driving the tractor by the farm today I noticed a lot of frogs in the pond. This leads me to believe that mating season is just around the corner for these little guys, so stay posted. I will let you know when they hatch, because when they do we have possibly over a million of these little creatures leaping everywhere. The kids will love to come out to the farm and catch them! They also do a number on our insects. They thrive on the farm because they can seek shelter under the plastic. I also think they thrive because our pond is not filled up with roundup. Well it is official the meat has been a hot seller. I have received more for this weekend as well as eggs. We are only getting twenty dozen a week right now so make sure you stop out if you need some. The Tomato's, peppers, and eggplant our in the greenhouse still and they are in excellent health as well as our other plugs of veggies yet to be put in.
All for now
Thz Chris
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