This week's Box
Less Kohlrabi
I know we are all chomping at the bit for the summer crops. As am I. I love cucumbers. They are just around the corner. They are growing nicely. Cucumbers are about one inch long. I will be posting images on twitter & face-book within 24hrs. Tomatoes have fruit on them which is great. They are tiny and all over. This is good. Also the peppers are developing nicely as well. Today we flamed & mowed between the row's. This is a weekly task. Quite a daunting process. We first mow between the row's then I follow behind with a torch. Very Effective but daunting none the less. Worth not spraying!! The toads seem to be continuing to pour out of the pond because I continue to seem them all over. It is kinda funny. I even found one hopping in the store today. Ben checked on the new potatoes as well today they are getting close. We ran the irrigation today for the first time and gave our lettuce and peppers a little drink. We like to give the plants an environment that encourages growth. Still have not had to run the kelp yet but we will be giving them a kelp feeding soon.
Hope everyone enjoys this wonderful week of Sunshine & gets to spend some time outdoors.
Thanks for the great produce! :)