Monday, July 2, 2012

Bass Farms (Update) C.S.A. members!

Dear Community,

How are you? I hope everyone is staying out of the heat. This season has been extremely taxing due to the extreme heat, but none the less we are still chugging along. I actually just got home. The crops are doing ok. We are taking a break from lettuce as we have exhausted the last of our early planting's for the year. Don't worry though we have lettuce ready to replant and go into the field. If anyone's lettuce was a little bitter last week this was due do the Extreme heat. Lettuce doe's not grow very well in this heat and we even have it covered with a shade cloth. We are still irrigating all the time. When it is 90 degree's or more out it zaps 1/4 inch of moisture out of soil a day. The third crop of broccoli is here. We staggered planted it. So we have full heads of broccoli again. Once the initial head of broccoli is picked it shoots out many small heads of broccoli. We will still distribute the smaller heads. They are still quite good. We have been doing a lot of weeding on the farm and many other projects. Some people ask how many people work the field and the answer is three. Three of us including myself pick and pack all the boxes each week. On a lighter note this week we will have sweet corn and this is alway's an exciting time of the year. The summer is really coming into full swing. The pepper crop this year will be excellent. We will be distributing banana peppers this week and they are actually huge. (4-8 Inches) Also the cucumbers our finally starting to explode. So we will also start to distribute cucumbers this week as well. I hope everyone is enjoying the recipe's that I have been putting online. Make sure you try everything. Kale and Swiss Chard wilt extremely fast even in the cooler, so when you receive these items please try to make them within the first 72 hours. The garlic everyone is receiving is really good. I hope everyone is utilizing it. I hooked up the potato digger and their is going to be all kinds of potato's. Their is quite a few out there. They should be in abundance this week. The herb bed that is right by the store is for the you the member. We don't sell them, so if you pick up on the farm please utilize this bed. It is full of wonderful herbs. The pumpkin and squash patch are doing excellent. We are extremely fortunate it rained last week as the pumpkins and squash are not irrigated.

Thanks For Everything,


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