There are some items that are starting to take over and becoming very abundant. The produce rack in the store or any produce you see @ the store you can use a punch on. (Your Membership Card)Take more if your needs are not being met. Or you really like a particular item etc...... Tonight I went through the pepper's again and picked at-least 250 pounds. All different colors shapes and size. So if you need any more come into the store this weekend and use your card. Friday's members still have the opportunity tomorrow. I am alway's picking at this point in the year. Also the herb bed is doing really nicely. Pick these herbs when you pick up your box. Rose @ the front will even walk out with you and tell you where everything is. They are right next to parking lot. The mint is really going crazy. There are so many great way's to utilize herbs and they are really expensive in the grocery store so take advantage of these things that we have provided you. You can also use your punch any day we are open and their is produce on the racks. So if you are driving by and we are open stop in, grab some veggie's. Currently in the store their are extra potato's, zucs, summer squash, pepper's & corn. Some week's their will be more then others & some weeks there could be none. Sometimes farming can be feast or famine. Also a lot of people have been asking me how we are keeping everything alive. When I
was researching produce farming in college, a common problem many grower's seemed to have was inadequate water supply. Vegetables are hard to grow without adequate water. They are extremely delicate plants. So the first thing we did on the farm was install an irrigation system large enough to handle thirty acre's of drip line. We laid it out like a grid. I knew going into farming that I would need every advantage possible, if I was going to grow produce. The irrigation system itself's draw's off of it's own well. This well is 6 inches wide and 300 feet deep in the ground. At the bottom of this well is a 100 Gallon per minute pump. This is roughly 3-4 four time's the size of a standard household well pump. When turned on, this system feeds all the drip line on the farm. This drip line lies in the middle of every row on the farm. Every twelve inches in the drip line their is a tiny hole, that slowly releases water into the root system's of each and every plant.(Answered:) The heat is the biggest issue because it can sometime's slow growth.
Thanks For Reading
Chris Bass
Your punches are the vegetable symbols on your membership card that we mailed out or member's picked them up @ orientation.